Tonya Hamlin is a full time Realtor at Coldwell Banker Sun Ridge Real Estate in Roseville, Lincoln, Rocklin and the greater Sacramento area. She is a long time resident in the community and has extensive experience in buying and selling homes. She is a certified luxury specialist with access to the luxury real estate community and the tools to find your desired luxury property.
She is passionate about helping her clients and friends by partnering with experts across the county and throughout the United States. Just a few ways she is the best Realtor for you:
-Highly experienced in negotiation, finance and real estate
-Community member since 1998 who specialize in marketing and finding homes
-Generates current data that gives you insight on how to best sell and buy
-More than 20 years in advising, helping and achieving success for clients
-Placer County Association of Realtors Masters Club
- International Sterling Society Award
- Certified Luxury Home Marketing Specialist- GUILD
You can learn more by viewing Tonya’s website or on her social media. She is available 7 days a week to serve you and yours.